When it comes to eggs, the first thing we must think of is eggs. As a kind of cheap and nutritious eggs, eggs have always been the essential ingredients for our families. The morning to eat a white Boiled Egg, noon or night or scrambled Eggdrop Soup with egg, which is a lot of people's life.

Generally, when we buy eggs, we try to buy as much as possible, so as to avoid running to the supermarket. But eggs, like all foods, have a shelf life. How can the egg be preserved so as to extend its shelf life?

How do you keep eggs for a long time in summer? Can you keep them in the refrigerator for 3 months?1

How do you keep eggs for long in summer?

I. proper preservation of eggs

1. keep away from volatile matter

There are many fine pores on the eggshells. If they are stored with volatiles such as onion, ginger and garlic, the strong smell will seep into the egg and accelerate the deterioration.

2. put your head up and put the fridge

After buying eggs, be sure to put the egg head up, small head placed in the refrigerator. In this way, the yolk can be put on the air chamber and the air chamber can effectively prevent microorganisms from invading the yolk and ensure the quality of eggs.

3., independent storage

If there is no refrigerator for frozen eggs, you must use clean paper or cloth to make holes, independent storage of eggs, to avoid direct exposure to the air, reduce microbial and bacterial invasion, and extend the preservation of eggs

Note: the egg must be removed from the refrigerator as soon as possible after eating, frozen egg in room will be sweating, small drops of water in the bacteria and microorganisms will soon enter the egg inside, can not guarantee to eat as soon as possible, but not once again into the refrigerator.

Three. Can the egg in the refrigerator keep for 3 months?

In general, winter indoor temperature, eggs can be placed for about 15 days, summer indoor temperature for about 10 days. The refrigerator temperature is generally 2-5 degrees, eggs in the refrigerator generally only about 1 months.

So, if your house has been in the refrigerator for more than a month, then you'd better not. Even if the egg did not go bad, the food stored in the refrigerator was too much. The pores in the egg may have been drilled into some molds and should not be eaten.

Three, save the common mistakes eggs

1. throw the refrigerator directly

A lot of people buy Egg directly after losing the refrigerator, which is placed across the longitudinal tube, and some egg pointed up, upside down, neatly, this is wrong, will also be posted on the floating egg yolk shell surface, leading to microbial invasion.

How do you keep eggs for a long time in summer? Can you keep them in the refrigerator for 3 months?2

How do you keep eggs for long in summer?

2. store after flushing

After cleaning the eggs, the outer eggshell membrane will be destroyed, bacteria and micro-organisms will easily enter the egg, accelerate the deterioration of eggs. Therefore, if you worry about the egg shell dirty, polluting other foods, you can wrap it up and store it.

3. lay egg

Egg for a long time, especially when the temperature is too high, thick mucus protein removed part of the water loss of the fixed yolk role in protease, egg yolk protein as the proportion of less than will go up, near the shell turns sticky shell egg, so the egg can not be placed horizontally.

4., how long will it last?

Eggs also have a shelf life and are related to temperature and humidity. In the north, summer can be stored at room temperature for 30~35 days, and can be stored in winter for 40~50 days. In the south, due to high temperature and humidity, the maximum preservation time is 25~40 days. When the temperature is more than 25 degrees, the storage time will be shortened.

Therefore, we must pay attention to the production date of eggs is the production time, rather than packaging time, therefore, eggs must be eaten as soon as possible, not only fresh, but also high nutritional value.


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