It will be June soon, and the weather is getting more and more hot every day. But compared to the current weather and after the volt temperatures are not things. The dog is in one year of the highest temperature for a period of time, although we hope not, but every summer it will come to the party.

In the middle of July into the time, but one day is due to age. Last year (2016 July 17th) is the volt, that is what this year (2017) when the V? Let's have a look.

2017 is the date the volt volt after why so hot1

2017 is the date the V

In 2017, a few months into the V

The dog days of 2017 a total of about 40 days, the volt is from the beginning of July 12th August 21st, the volt. Walk for 20 days, from the beginning of July 22nd, around the end of August 10th.

Not only Chinese a "dog", there are many foreign countries, summer will have heat concentrated period.

Two, why is it so hot after the volt

1. direct sunlight to the Northern Hemisphere

The earth has been leaned his around the sun, and the day and night hours; the earth revolves around the sun also, so there are four seasons of. By the summer solstice (20 or 21 or 22 days of the Gregorian calendar), the sun will reach the northernmost position of the earth (Tropic of cancer) in June. So the weather will begin to heat up.

2017 is the date the volt volt after why so hot2

2017 is the date the V

2. subtropical high impact

In the subtropical zone of the northern and southern hemisphere, due to the impact of land and sea, the high pressure zone often breaks into several high-pressure monomers, forming a discontinuous high pressure belt along the latitude circle, which is called the subtropical high.

(1) under the influence of the subtropical high, the air flows down and the sunlight hits the ground. With the increase of the ground radiation temperature, the surface heat loss will gradually decrease, and the weather will become hotter.

(2) when the subtropical high controls a region for a long time, it often causes drought in the area. Rainfall is reduced, which is also an important factor in the heat.

Three, after the volt to health

1. refuse to be lazy

Summer is very easy to make people do not want to move feeling, the sun is too strong outside, do not want to go out; eat without appetite; nap, sleep will not think of and so on. This is a common phenomenon in the dog may be more apparent. However, exercise requires persistence, regardless of season. Moreover, for a long time at home, the air is not fresh, coupled with sluggish metabolism will slow, and no good for the body.

2., refuse anxiety

When the weather is hot, the mood will follow the boredom, easy to raise blood pressure, suffer from depression. And Chinese medicine believes that the emotion has an impact on the body the viscera. Therefore, even if the weather is sultry, we should also maintain a good state of mind, and give ourselves some recreational activities to relax and relieve anxiety.

3. refused to stay up late for a long time

Throughout the summer, the whole night is shorter than in the daytime, which makes many people develop the habit of sleeping late and getting up early. Of course, compared with other seasons, this is no problem, but it shouldn't be too late. Because when sleeping, the human body needs to secrete hormone, in order to maintain the normal operation of the body, if long-term sleep late, it is easy to cause endocrine disorders.

2017 is the date the volt volt after why so hot3

2017 is the date the V

4. do not Tanliang

When the weather is hot, many people choose to blow air conditioners or eat cold drinks. However, everything should have a degree, this season is the best time for sweating cold, if blindly Tanliang, since the cold winter gathering will be "locked" in the body, it is easy to cause the body cold.

5. prevent moisture

It's easy to rain in summer, and the humidity in the air is great. If you always sleep on the floor, the bath is not dry, after the rain is not timely change clothes, it is easy to make the body moisture accumulation, which can cause edema, indigestion, fattening, listlessness and so on, so we should pay attention to prevention.

6. eat less greasy food

Summer diet is best light, because when the temperature is high, people's appetite will be poor, digestive function is not worse than the cold weather. If you eat too much greasy food, it will cause a burden on your stomach. In addition, too salty or too spicy food will consume the body's water, and summer sweat more, it is easy to make the body water shortage.


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