
There are no good food in the world, only unexpected food. Pepper plays an important role in our diet. It can be seasoned and served as a main dish. So here comes the problem...... Can I eat chili leaves?

You know, even the eggplant stalk can eat, what cannot eat pepper leaves and! Pepper leaves not only taste good, but also has many health care effect! Next, follow the little knitting up to see the benefits of eating chili leaves!


What are the benefits of eating chili leaves?

First, the benefits of eating chili leaves

1. calcium supplements

The study found that every 100 grams of pepper leaves about 233 mg of calcium, and we have to buy the high calcium milk of calcium is only 118 mg, so, calcium content in pepper leaves and perilla leaf are higher than the "high calcium milk".

2. relaxing meridians and collaterals

Pepper leaves bitter taste, sexual temperature, there are Shu, Jing, the effect of, can be compatible with different Chinese medicine to treat frostbite and heel deep swelling of the disease.

3. nourishing the blood and invigorating the stomach

Pepper leaves non-toxic, cold, nourishing blood, strengthening stomach, eat can play a cold warm stomach, invigorating spleen, enhance appetite dehumidifying effect, especially for cold stomach, has a better therapeutic effect.

4. cancer prevention

The contents of iron, calcium, manganese, copper and zinc in pepper leaves were obviously higher than those in fruit, and the selenium of anti-cancer effect was nearly 1 times higher than that of fruit, so chili leaves have certain anti-cancer effects.

5. lose weight

Chili leaves have a weight loss effect, because chili leaves burn fat, which can consume 25% of the calories. In addition, pepper can promote the production of two enzymes in the body, can effectively prevent excessive accumulation of fat.

Two, pepper leaves food notes

1., can not eat more: Although chili leaves and pepper ingredients are different, but for those who can not eat chili, chili leaves should eat less.

2., certain diseases can not eat: asthma patients eat chili leaves will aggravate asthma; aspirin users eat chili leaves affect the absorption of drugs.

What are the benefits of eating chili leaves? How do chili leaves taste delicious and healthy?0

What are the benefits of eating chili leaves?

Three. The edible method of chili leaves

1. soup: fresh pepper leaves 150 grams, egg 2. First, fry the egg with the cooking oil. Add some water. After the boil, add the chilli leaves and cook. Then add salt to the seasoning.

2.: salad with boiling water boiled, then in cold water over, add ginger, salt, soy sauce, vinegar salad;

3., stir fry chili leaves: wash chili leaves, remove stems and flowers. Heat the pan with cold oil, leave the chilli leaves and stir fry. Pepper leaves into dark green, put salt and chicken essence, continue to stir fry evenly until all change color can be poured out.

4. make pancakes: mix the batter with chili sauce (chopped), add a little salt, and then fry it directly with fried or fried crisp.

In addition, pepper leaves can also be fried shredded pork, if pepper leaves into liver soup, fish soup, chicken giblets soup in the cooking, taste delicious, creamy, more flavor.

    food Health

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